International Performances.

The Waterford Male Voice Choir has been very fortunate over the years to have travelled widely throughout Europe including Spain, Poland, Austria, the UK and Italy and have had the opportunity to perform in some very wonderful places. Two venues in particular will always stand out as being very special, St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, where we performed at Sunday Evening Mass and the Schubert Theatre in Vienna, home to the world famous Vienna Boys Choir. Proudly for us on both occasions we were able to perform original pieces composed and arranged for us by Waterford composers. In Rome we performed “Ancient Wisdom” by Greg Scanlon while in Vienna we performed “Come the Sails” by Sue Furlong.

Other magical places where we gave impromptu performances were St. Kinga’s Chapel in the Salt Mines in Krakow, the Amphitheatre in the ruins of Pompeii (ruined before we got there) and Piazza Navona in Rome where late one evening we sung the “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves” by Giuseppe Verdi (in Italian of course) to very appreciative gathering of Italians who cheerfully joined in.

Great credit for getting us to and from all of these wonderful locations over the years must go in particular to Jack Stephenson, Michael Bohill, and Eamonn Coady along with their many sub-committee members. Our latest trip, which was to be to Sweden to visit and perform with our friends in Vadstena, unfortunately had to be postponed due to 2020 worldwide circumstances.