Waterford Male Voice Choir Waterford Male Voice Choir

Gala Concert, 2019.

Waterford Male Voice Choir drew the curtains on a very busy and successful season with a gala concert in the Large Room at Waterford City Hall. It was the first time in the 18-year existence of the choir to sing at the city’s most prestigious venue.

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Waterford Male Voice Choir Waterford Male Voice Choir

Summer Gala 2018.

A summer concert with some interesting guests that add to the evening’s entertainment and compered with humour and style by WLR presenter Mary O’Neill

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Waterford Male Voice Choir Waterford Male Voice Choir

Choir Fest at the Church, 2017.

Waterford Male Voice Choir, as usual, ended their season with another May stand-out concert. This time they’ve moved from the Tower Hotel Ballroom to the magnificent Christchurch Cathedral and have invited Norwegian chamber choir Baerum Kommerkor, and Violinist Siobhan Doyle.

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Waterford Male Voice Choir Waterford Male Voice Choir

Sounds of Summer, 2016.

“The Tower Hotel is jammers for the Waterford Male Voice Choir’s ‘Sounds of Summer’ concert. No other arts group can sell tickets like this lot. In fact, I’m surprised there isn’t a marquee out the back with a video link.” - Pat McEvoy, Arts Correspondent.

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Waterford Male Voice Choir Waterford Male Voice Choir

Rhythms In May, 2015

Waterford Male Voice Choir wrapped up their 2015 season with a wonderful Gala Concert ‘Rhythms in May’ in the Tower Hotel Waterford.

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Waterford Male Voice Choir Waterford Male Voice Choir

A Night At The Opera, 2013

In Pat McEvoy’s words in his report on ‘A Night At The Opera’ for the Waterford News & Star, “Carlsberg don’t do opera nights at WIT, but if they did…“

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