
Dates of trip: Mar 8th -12th 2014

Day 1

Having arrived at Ciampino Airport, Rome "luggage free" on the Sat 8th March our group of 46 met with our “Scouting Party” of Kavanagh, Coady and Bohill, who had gone overland departing home three days earlier with all the luggage and musical equipment. This made the journey for the main body of the choir so much more comfortable and convenient.

Having met our tour guide we departed for our coach trip to the city before being transferred to our hotel Casa Tra Noi (near St Peters). We had a leisurely lunch in the famed Trevi Fountain area, followed by a trip to a local hostelry to watch Ireland defeat Italy 46/7 in the Six Nations which lifted everybody’s spirits. We then embarked on a coach tour of the city visiting the Circus Maximus, Coliseum, Roman Forum, Vatican City, Major Basilicas, Roman Baths etc., before returning to our hotel  for a well earned rest.

Day 2

On day two Sun 9th Mar we were invited to sing at 10am Mass at the Irish College (Founded by Franciscan Luke Wadding from Waterford) which was also attended by members of the Irish community in Rome.

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In the afternoon, one of the highlights of our trip was the opportunity for our choir to sing at the 4pm Mass in St Peters Basilica and perform a beautiful piece "Ancient Wisdom " composed by Greg Scanlon which had been commissioned by WMVC  for this special occasion. The remaining hours were spent browsing the city and occasionally singing for the locals etc.    

Day 3

We departed our hotel for a coach trip to the ancient city of Pompeii where our choir had the opportunity to sing informally in the perfectly preserved amphitheatre followed by further singing on the return journey to Rome in the famed Abbey of Montecassino.

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Day 4   

This was a leisurely day spent sightseeing and exploring the city before our final musical performance at the church of Santa Lucia del Gonfalone.

Villa Spada - Embassy of Ireland Rome

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On this tour of many highlights the most distinguished invitation we received was to call and meet with His Excellency the Irish Ambassador to Italy Mr. Bobby McDonagh at his famed residence Villa Spada on the hill overlooking the city of Rome. During our visit we performed a few of our favorite songs on the beautiful garden terrace and Jim Doyle our eldest member and master craftsman presented the Ambassador with the Waterford Coat of Arms which he himself had crafted.

Day 5 

Check out from hotel and lunch in the Alban Hills, Fracati, and Castlegandolfo before finally saying our goodbyes to our "Scouting Party "  at  the famed Coliseum who then left on their three day journey home. The “Scouting Party” otherwise known as “The Three Amigos” had very much helped make the journey more enjoyable for the main choir party by their transporting of the luggage, costumes, keyboard and all instruments etc. 

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Their journey started on the previous Wednesday using Eamonn’s Transit van which had been converted for the journey with the installation of rails to accommodate all hanging suit bags etc. The journey took them from Rosslare to Cherbourg and then they drove 1900km approx in 19.5 hours of shared driving taking them through Paris, Geneva, Chamonix, Mont Blanc Tunnel, Genoa and Pisa before arriving in Rome on Friday evening. They saw the Eiffel Tower on five occasions when driving through the outskirts of Paris on the outward journey, it was a wonderful experience but one they would not be interested in having or seeing ever again. It would be unfair to name the driver on this section of the journey, as the “Amigos “say “What happened in France stays in France”. We understand that without having had a sat-nav on board they might still be somewhere in Europe !!!  

Their return journey was approx 2,300kms having travelled via Monaco and staying south rather than see the Eiffel tower again, but it was a wonderful experience filled with fun, laughter, and song.

A very special thanks is due to Eamonn for the use of his van, to our sponsors and for the sponsorship raised particularly by Michael Bohill that helped defray all costs for the trip.

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