
In 2009 at the promptings David Walsh, we decided to take up his challenge and embark on a tour to  Weybridge, Surrey. David was a resident of Weybridge and also a member of the Male Voice Choir there and so we were asked to partake in their Autumn Concert on Sat. 10th Oct 2009. David was also, for a short no of years, a member of Waterford Male Voice Choir.

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On Friday 9th Oct some thirty members (approx) left Waterford by coach for a flight to Gatwick and arrived in Weybridge by late afternoon. En-route to Weybridge, the Munster Rugby team was lucky enough to bump into the Waterford Male Voice Choir in the airport and have their photo taken with our celebrity members. Having booked in to the local Best Western Hotel, situate on the main street, at 7pm we were transported to the local Rugby Club to meet our hosts and partake of a meal  (cottage pie) laid on for us. Having eaten up or should I say hoovered up the food, there followed a night of revelry and song which went on until the early hours of the morning. A superb night of fun was had and our hosts proved to be outstanding. 

On Saturday morning after breakfast we assembled in the Catholic Church of Christ Prince of Peace for rehearsal. Our musical director, Niall Crowley, and accompanist, Sinead Dempsey, were looking decidedly sceptical and with good reason. As we finished a lengthy warm up it became apparent that we were no longer a four voice harmony choir but more like a croak of frogs –victims of the night before syndrome. Having appealed to our sense of pride and our Knocknagow spirit of ‘For the sake of the little village’ Niall dismissed us and entreated us to keep off the gargle and reassemble after 5pm to run through our pre concert routine. It was a fine dry day and so in the afternoon a number of us went on a trip to Eaton and Windsor whilst another group decided to stay and explore Weybridge. They choose to go walking by the Thames and got lost. We are not sure if all of them ever returned. The other group split with some taking a boat trip from Eaton whilst the remainder of us decided we would call in for afternoon tea with the Queen at Windsor Castle. Unfortunately she was out at the time and missed our visit. 

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We duly arrived back at the Church for our pre concert preparation and much to the relief of all, the cobwebs had cleared, the croaks were ironed out and we went on to acquit ourselves with pride in the concert. We had a wonderful joint concert with our hosts before a large and very appreciative audience. A collection was taken up in aid of the Spelthorne Mental Health Association. After the concert we joined some of our hosts at The Jolly Farmer, an old world hostelry a short distance from the Hotel.

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We returned to Waterford the following day-Sunday 11th Oct. It was a really outstanding trip which was enjoyed by all. In 2010 over forty members from Weybridge made the journey to Waterford for the return match. It was our turn to play host and so we gave them a coach ride along the coast of Waterford, lunched at the Seanachai in Dungarvan, went on to Lismore and finished with a private conducted tour of Lismore Castle. Some of us got to sit on the ‘throne’ Prince Charles used on his stay. Our guests were enchanted by the beauty of Waterford and many said they would return. All in all a marvellous cultural exchange.

- words, Des Kelly

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